• Why ChatGPT is better than other OpenAI?

    ChatGPT is considered a highly advanced AI language model for several reasons:    Improved Language Understanding: ChatGPT has been trained on a vast amount of data from the internet, allowing it to develop a deep understanding of language patterns, grammar, and contextual relationships. This extensive training helps it generate more accurate and contextually relevant responses.…

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  • ChatGTP or ChatGPT? What is ChatGTP?

      Apologies for the confusion in my previous responses. The correct name is “ChatGPT” (Generative Pre-trained Transformer). It is an AI language model developed by OpenAI.”ChatGPT” is the accurate name to refer to the conversational version of the GPT model.  As of my knowledge cutoff in June 2023, there is no such thing as “ChatGTP”…

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