Cydia iOS 7 For iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch (POLL)

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Cydia iOS 7 on iPhone 5S.

Jailbreak iOS 7 with Cydia for iOS 7 on the finish line. Evad3rs Jailbreak iOS 7 team confirmed : Jailbreak for iOS 7.1 – best way for jailbreak. Why? Apple will be released new products  (iPad 5 and iPad Mini 2) with new iOS 7.1. It’s the best time for jailbreak.

Question of The Week: No more Repo on Cydia iOS 7! Yes or NO?

This week Apple will be released iOS 7.0.3 (fixed some bugs from iOS 7.0.2). We would like to remind you that new jailbreak for iOS 7.0.2 doesn´t
exist at the moment. Do not listen to those people who tell you that
they can sell you a jailbreak for iOS 7.0.2.

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