Here you can find iOS 13 for iPad Pro, iPad Air or iPad Mini.

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Here you can find iOS 13 for iPad Pro, iPad Air or iPad Mini. At the conference, we witnessed the birth of a new ipadOS. We have been
waiting for this for 10 years. Apple decided on an important step and
created a completely new OS for their tablets. This is not just an
updated version, but a completely new ipadOS.

We are very happy, not for nothing that we believed the rumors and bought the most sophisticated tablets at the moment. In principle, and now it is us replace the laptop as a portable device. The new system really solves many problems that prevented working fully. Here you can find list of ipadOS supported devices.

We are sure that the ability to use the mouse on the iPad is the simplest thing that Apple will do soon. Of course, if the need for it will be very strong. Surely there are other scenarios, much easier mouse on the iPad. The most important thing is that Apple has released its own operating system – this is a big and correct step. The iPad becomes very attractive, although it doesn’t completely notice the Mac.

Here you can find iOS 13 for iPad Pro, iPad Air or iPad Mini: 

Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Install new ipadOS on iPad

Apple introduced the ipadOS, a standalone version of iOS 13 designed for the iPad. Its main feature is improved multitasking. ipadOS has a home screen with widgets that can be displayed next to application icons. These are the same widgets as in the iOS notification center, but in this form it should be more convenient to work with them on the big screen.

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