iOS 6 Jailbreak Untethered Without Errors. Must Read.

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iOS 6 Jailbreak Untethered Without Errors. Must Read. 

Lots messages. Lots questions. Lots comments. Only One Answer.

The answer is simple – do not listen what write those who did not have this jailbroken idevice, but had read the conclusions of so-called experts and now criticize it without knowing about it from his personal practice. If you need a Cydia Tweaks, AppSync (NoPiracy Please) and comfort of the iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch – take it and you would not regret about.

iOS 6.1.2, iPhone 5 With Wifi, 3G, Personal Hotspit (30 min), Stanby: 11 Hours, Usage: 3 Hours, Internet: Facebook, Twitter, Ingtagram, Email + Push.

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