iOS 7 Jailbreak Price: $500,000

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iOS 7 Jailbreak Price: $500,000

Why go with a free download and hope for donations when you can sell it to the government for a cool half a million and live the high life? That’s what Kevin Mahaffey has to say about the next round of tools to jailbreak future iOS versions.

The cofounder and CTO of mobile security company Lookout, Kevin Mahaffey, reveals that the “current price” of iOS zero day tools (required for jailbreaking) is $500,000, or roughly €383,000.

Evasi0n, the latest public jailbreak tool released by a dedicated team of jailbreakers known as the evad3rs, is undoubtedly a profitable one. But does the team make this kind of money from donations? It is unclear, at this point.

Renowned security guru Charlie Miller gave his own estimate on the price jailbreakers could fetch for a jailbreak. He said $250,000 (€192,000), but that was a while ago.

Starting with the upcoming iOS 6.1.3, Apple is making inroads to patch the jailbreak tools in evasi0n, which leads security researchers like Miller and Mahaffey to believe that evasi0n will be the last public jailbreak to see the light of day.

However, it’s not easy to sell such an expensive tools to the government / the military, even if you happen to stumble upon it.

The next major version of Apple’s mobile operating system, iOS 7 is expected to be almost impenetrable.

With each round of cat-and-mouse chasing between them and the jailbreakers, Apple learns a bit more about what is required to secure its platform, hence the ever-growing prices of these tools.

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