IOS 9 – If you wish more than you have.

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iOS 9 release date confirmed. Rumors also. Do you think it is too early to talk about iOS 9? Personally, I think about it and wait for something new from iOS 9. IOS 8 ​​the first month – the flight is normal. Although new iOS 8 has brought some inconvenience (not counting the first buyers of iPhone 6 with update to iOS 8.0.1), but controversy quieted down after installing of updates, users have calmed down and satisfied with iOS 8 can leisurely think about what they need more in iOS 8.

Did you install iOS 8 on your smartphone or Tablet? Then we were on the same direction with you.

Using iPhone and iPad every day you understand how changing requirements with a time. Earlier it was enough just a phone call or write SMS. After was needed to install Facebook and all day use it. Then people were tired of it and wanted to install Instagram to show their life. It turns out that every day requirements for smartphones are increasing.

Personally for me iOS 9 with new features would be very useful. I hope that with upgrade to iOS 9 users will not have as many problems as it was with iOS 8. I would like stability on iOS 9 at once, rather than in a week or two. Ah, yes. I would like to remind you that the official day of the presentation of iOS 9 is already known. It will be on the 6 of June 2015…..

Yes, yes. Not soon.

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