iPhone 11 Release Date in USA, Europe, China, World. When will Apple release iPhone 11 in 2018? It’s one of the most popular question in 2018. You know that Apple will be release brand-new iPhone 11 in October of 2018. Over the past many years, the company has released its new smartphones in September. This has become a good tradition, we are accustomed to it. Why?
iPhone 11 Release Date: – First weekend of October
Some our “old” fiends in Foxconn leaked information that one big company changed the delivery dates of the products. Usually, Foxconn expects to receive products in the mid-to-late September, so the burden on workers began in August, but this year there was information that the Foxconn changed our usual dates. The main load will be in September, which means that the first shipments will be either in the last week of September, or in the first week of October. It’s very interesting – maybe Apple has new plans or models of new iPhone 11. But about in next post.