Jailbreak 8.1 has been released by Pangu team. If you have jailbreak 8.1 confirmed device (complete list is here), you can make jailbreak 8.1 via Pangu8 for free. (How to)
Just a few weeks ago Pangu seeds jailbreak 8.1 iOS – 8.0. After spending a lot of time, the guys from Pangu team have done an incredibly difficult job and presented the long-awaited jailbreak 8.1 iOS – 8.0. Wanting to show off a bit, we decided to publish statistics of downloads jailbreak 8.1:
However, analysts say that thejailbroken devices make up about 10% of all iOS-devices. If anyone has a question, how they calculated the number of new devices, everything is quite simple: all the new devices are connected to Cydia, and then you can trace the number of new devices.
If you are one from 20 000 000 iOS 8.1 – 8.0 owners and have jailbroken device, we have one big question for you.
Which Cydia tweaks did you use on jailbroken device running on iOS 8.1 – 8.0?
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