Here’s some detail of iOS 13 Features

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His guys. Today you can see more about all-new iOS 13. We know that Apple has big plan to iOS 13 redesign in 2019. Some designers released their videos and posts with new iOS 13 concept. Today we want to know more.

However, before we start talking about planned iOS 13 features, it’s worth mentioning the main fear of current owners of iPhones. They fear that in 2019, Apple, with the release of new iOS 13, may stop supporting one or two generations of the iPhone, especially the iPhone 5S, which is already in the “risk group”.

Here’s some detail of iOS 13 Features:

– iOS 13 has a completely redesigned and updated interface, primarily the main screen.

– iOS 13 has an advanced, particularly fast and efficient “smart” photo sorting algorithm.

– iOS 13 has new tools for developing applications of virtual and augmented reality, including multi-user.

– in the new iOS 13 there will be the possibility of three-dimensional scanning of objects and the creation of models based on the data obtained.

– iOS 13 has a set of fresh gestures to control both the OS itself and applications.

– iOS 13 has a number of special improvements for the iPad (updated application for working with files, support for the split screen and tabs).

– iOS 13 has the advanced features of the Apple Pencil brand pen.

Don’t forget read more about iOS 13 release date, supported devices and beta download links.

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