iOS 11 Download Links. Updates.

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iOS 11 Download Links spread on the web. We know that Apple seeds their new iOS 11 download links for developer and public version for all who want to test this update.

IOS 11 is compatible with the following devices:

iPhone 5s, SE, 6, 6 Plus, 6s, 6s Plus, 7, 7 Plus;
iPad with Retina display, iPad mini 2/3/4, iPad Air and iPad Air 2, iPad Pro of all generations;
iPod touch 6G.

No iOS 11 on iPhone 5!!! With the release of iOS 11, Apple will stop supporting 32-bit applications. In anticipation of the announcement of iOS11, 32-bit applications stopped appearing in the App Store search, but they can still be downloaded from the “Purchases” section. The Apple’s AppStore has about 187,000 32-bit applications, which is about 8% of all applications available in the App Store. If you have 32-bit iPhone (inc. iPhone 5), you must understand that you can’t install new applications. 32-bit applications will not disappear immediately. They will work on smartphones with an older version of iOS, and will be available for a while in the App Store. However, Apple will remove in 2018 nearly 200,000 incompatible applications.


Update. Apple seeds iOS 11 beta 8 and public 7 links. We wait GM version next weekend.

The final release of iOS 11 will take place at the annual autumn Apple’s event, which is expected on September 12. Don’t forget that it’s iPhone Keynote 2017. 🙂

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