Jailbreak iOS 10 + Cydia 10 Leaked Again. Cydia Not Optimized for iOS 10. It’s very nice news for all who wait Jailbreak iOS 10 from jb creators. One of the “old” member of jailbreak community leaked new screenshot from iPad with Cydia iOS 10.
Sometimes after release of the material about jailbreak (we wait next Jailbreak iOS 10 in September/October), we must know that after that we can install Cydia Tweaks. I came questions about why I did not describe it to add at least a few useful Cydia tweaks, so to speak, in order to immediately and test the knowledge gained.
Don’t forget read:
Most popular reasons for jailbreak iOS 10.
First iOS 10 Jailbreak Video
With a little late, but I offer you some interesting and useful, in my subjective opinion, tweaks. I must say that in Cydia have programs similar to those presented, but I suggest you only the ones that went through my phone, so their performance is installed and tested for 100%.
But today we can’t see this list because after Jailbreak iOS 10, you can’t see Cydia Store. Why? If you have jailbroken device like qwertyoruiop, you can see this message “Cydia Not Optimized for iOS 10”. It’s mean that only when Saurik will update their Cydia Store for iOS 10, we can install it.
This post for all who read lots guides and tutorials with fake jailbreaks like iOS 9.3.3/9.3.2 and new Jailbreak iOS 10. We must know that official Cydia Store for iOS 10 will be released only after iOS 10 release date in September, but not in summer.